Ethical Magick

Here we are with 2016 over and already at day 24 of the new year.  Many of us have put 2016 to bed and left it behind and began to experience the refreshing new 2017.  There are some who are still left in the dogma of chaos and discord, but it will remain with them while others have experienced the awakening.  Last year many went through the birth and death phase of their live and are now entering the rebirth phase.  They are feeling a burden lifted and are able to let go of the past.  This past bogged them down and harmed their growth into adulthood.  Many do not have a relationship, either a job they dislike or no job at all, poor health, maybe homeless or about to be kicked out of their home, and always blaming another for their problems.  They say their Goddess has forsaken them but in reality they have forsaken their Goddess.  They have forgotten or never learned the true ethics of being a witch.  The witch is a protector and healer.  We do not go about labeling witchcraft with a color, white, black, or gray for we know that we are balanced in the arts and walk all realms. 

               We are aware of our surroundings at all times and what is going on around us.  We do not keep our heads in the cloud.  We take full responsibility for our magical work and we balance our work with the earth and universe.  We never perform work that will interfere with another’s free will.  You want a love spell done on a particular person and are told no.  It is because you are demanding that the witch do your work on another and effect their free will which will bring the energy bouncing back to the witch who cast that spell.  Some will do this for money, but it does not make it right and they are willing to take the fall when the energy is bounced back.  The witch respects all people, men, women, children, animals, plants, etc.  Every path of live is on their own journey and undergoing their own unique lessons and it is their journey.  It is not our responsibility to change them or stop them.
               In this regard, we do not attack others or disrespect them.  Just because you are angry and think you will show them, it will only cause the power to be returned to you harsher.  Look within yourself and see if you are at the right position in your life.  Do you feel balanced, happy, relaxed and energetic?  It is easy to feel the chaotic energy for it surrounds us daily, but we do not need or have to give into this energy. 

               No, I am not Wiccan and I do not follow the Wiccan Rede nor do I subscribe to “no left hand” magick but I do believe in being respectful to everyone and not doing harm.  For the harm or chaos that is done brings on a wave effect.  For as the energy goes out it returns bigger and stronger.  It hits the shore with a destructive force and like your baneful magick sent out just because you feel slighted it will return to you stronger and with fierce destructive energy.  Do not get tied up into the hate and discord of others, but learn to walk in harmony with the Universe.

               Now, turn the page and look at the reason behind the curse or baneful magick.  I am not saying that there is never a time or a place to do this magick, for yes there is.  You see, there are times that a person is so evil or cruel that they need a curse.  They have attacked, hurt or provoked people without a just cause or they have hurt or destroyed children or animals.  These individuals have a dark soul and no care in the world and your baneful magick is justly used.  They may have attacked your family, friends and you need to protect them and return this negative chaos back to the sender. 

               The point to this to respect your fellow practitioner and non-practitioners and never intentionally go after them just because you feel slighted.  Use your magick wisely and respectfully.


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