Witch Sisters

Like with many paths the Witch is one of oral tradition.  Years ago the Witch wrote everything down and instructed one dear friend that upon their death and passing that they were to destroy their writings.  If they worked with another and taught them, initiated them, they would hand them their writings to be copied down in the friends own book.  The book was carefully written in the Witch’s own handwriting and they even took time to add embellishments to it.  For example, if they were writing about an herb, you might find a piece of that herb taped to the page.  It was tedious by today’s standards but the power was in those words and in the Witch’s penmanship including the ink she used.  They were not organized in sections, color coded or had dividers.  In looking through the book one might find a small recipe for food on one page and spell on the next.  Now, do not think that recipe for food was not important because it was designed for healing or harming depended on the intention of the recipe. 

Now, I digressed a bit on this for this is not about the Book but it is about the oral tradition.  For this is about the friendship.  One day several years ago, two women decided to open their computers and go to social media and on that night their paths crossed.  One sent one a friend request and the other accepted and was this beginning of a long friendship; I think not.  You see this was a reunion of a friendship that is older than this generation much older than several generations.  How do you ask?  Well let me see if I can explain. 

These two women have always been a Witch in each life they lived and they have been sisters.  Closer than day and night they say.  Always there and forever near very protective of each other.  For the night these two united again they greeted each other with “hello sister.”  They felt the connection and felt the completion of finding each other once again.  Over the years they have walked the same path as a Witch, healers and the same yet different.  The connection was there while others could never see it and those who could felt the jealousy build up for they could not understand it.  The Dragon knew the reason they are sisters for the Dragon is in both.  These sisters know that the Dragon influences their magick as well as their daily lives, but like the light and dark, one worked with the traditional Dragon while the other with the Gargoyle.  Both resembled each other and both are guardian spirits and both are protectors.  They both will offer guidance and protection for their Witch.  Both are strong allies that the Witch can call in times of need and both will come to the Witch when they are in need or being attacked.   Both use the five main elements Fire, Wind, Earth, Air and Sprit.

When the Witch uses these guardians they are calling forth the elements in the Dragon or Gargoyle form.  As we know the elements have different qualities and powers the Dragon or Gargoyle that is called forth with that element will also have different qualities.  For example, when using the elements Fire and Air the Witch is working with positive energies while Water and Earth are negative energies.  In modern times as with many things the magick of the Dragon and Gargoyle have been forgotten.  A few work with Dragon magick and totally overlooking the Gargoyle.  These two are still united duo, strong as ever.

Again, I digressed speaking of the Guardians so back to the sisters.  You see their bond became strong in such a short amount of time; stronger than many even knew.  When these two connected they both were marked with their Guardian.  One had a Dragon tattoo and one had a Gargoyle.  A short year after connecting again, one sister began talking about getting another tattoo and even discussed an image of Black Panther clinging on her shoulder.  Strange thing occurred for the day of the tattoo this sister spoke with the artist and walked away with a pentacle with a Dragon wing on it.  She spoke to her sister afterward and told her that she had a change in tattoo and gave her the picture.  The second sister knew that day that she had found her sister once again by looking at that tattoo. 

Now, many never knew this nor took the time to discover it they only knew that these two were always finishing each other’s sentences and were close and tight.  It did bothersome and a few were quite jealous of the bond between the two and tried to place a wedge between them.  These sisters were familiar with the wedge because it in their life that it would occur over again.  One day while the outside forces were pushing on them both trying to wedge them apart, the older sister called the other and explained that it was time.  Time to part their company and walk their own paths this time around, they had much more to learn and it had to be done on their own this time.  To many this was strange that the sisters who some thought were just friends would part each other traveling down different roads because it was felt they had to be angry with each other and fighting.  Now one sister got a lot of questions and even had people tell her that her sister was not her friend and would she had better cast first on her sister for she would be casting on her.  The sisters knew that they did not part upset with each other and both followed the old ways never casting on another Witch without cause.  There was not cause here for they were doing something smarter this time around than what they did each life in the past.  They parted ways and continued their journey on their own and worked harder on their own craft. 

When it is time and they were both at a strong point in their craft, one sister contacted the other.  It was obvious that the road on their journey had merged once again and these sisters were walking together once more.  Now this make the tongues begin to wag again for it unnerved many that they were talking.  Some even demanded to know how long have they been talking and why were they talking again.  Not that it was anyone’s business when or why the sisters were together but these sisters knew it was time to return to each other once more.  These two Witches would just smile and say the Dragons are back together once more. 

Once more they are back together and the Guardians are happy and resting only to notify them when danger is near and there have been a couple of times that the Dragons came out and warned them and assisted them in protection.  They still tease each other about their favorite colors purple and green and how their color is better than the other and that the other is being mean to them as they laugh and joke throughout the day.  They are closer than ever spending time to talk at length about their families, animals, what they are doing as Witches and life has been going on with them.  Many still do not understand why these two sisters are close and they will never fully grasp it.  Some still try to cause chaos between them, but the Witches just laugh and go on.  You see the Guardians know they are sisters and keep them safe.  Their time apart was good for both because they have each gotten stronger in their craft and probably because of this is why many want them to stay apart.

Interestingly it is a Witch who looks at another and knows that person is a Witch or not and they do not have to say anything for they know the other person recognizes them as well.  That night years ago, these Witches walked into a room and knew immediately there bond was old and they were now home.  


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